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Chapter 3ms. Ma's Website

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Chapter 3 Remember, a typical week is every class, 7 periods, on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and Block Scheduling on Wednesday and Thursday. These schedules can be found on the Evergreen High School Homepage or by clicking here. 3MS Is Making Good Progress on Good Impressions The initiative is on track to develop a standardized measurement for digital media February 9, 2018. Launched in 2011, the measurement initiative 3MS is making progress toward rolling out a unified cross-measurement standard for digital media. SparkNotes are the most helpful study guides around to literature, math, science, and more. Find sample tests, essay help, and translations of Shakespeare.

Firstly identify the specific Market, then craft the exact Message, then finally choose the best Medium to deliver the message.

This technique is surprisingly simple and very effective. Everyone must agree with its logic. However, most mistakes and failures of marketing communications are a result of not following this easy method.


Firstly, for each product or service, identify the target market – or possibly several different markets. This is M1: the Market.

Secondly, for each market, craft a message. If there are different markets for a product, each market may require a different message. Of course the message must emphasise customer benefits. This Message is M2.

M3 is the Medium. This is the vehicle we will use to deliver each message to each market. The medium must be chosen because it is the best way to deliver a specific message to a particular market. Demo release. By focusing on the market's customers, we can choose a medium that is appropriate to them.

This all makes perfect sense, so how do people get it wrong?

The usual mistake is that people deal with the 3Ms in the wrong order. They choose a Medium first, before considering the message and the market. They are enchanted by a particular medium and decide to use it before considering to what extent it suits the message and the market. This can happen by using social media (because it's fashionable) or a website (because everyone else has one) or a printed leaflet (because we got a special offer).

Each of these Mediums (media) is not good or bad in its own right; only in relation to its effectiveness in delivering a particular message to a particular market.

So beware using the 3Ms in the wrong order. By using the 3Ms of marketing in the right order, our marketing communications become more targeted, more precise, and more successful.

Chapter 3ms. Ma's Website Login

Do you ever wonder how we are doing as a business? While I write monthly notes to let you know how we are doing sales wise and whether our bottom line is improving, I try to spend time at many employee meetings pointing out the '3 Ms'.


Multitasker. Material.


In my experience, those are the big three. Sure, we have a bunch of little things that can hurt us, but if you want to take a moment to analyze how we are doing, a survey of the 3Ms will give you an intelligent analysis.

Chapter 3ms. Ma

Firstly, for each product or service, identify the target market – or possibly several different markets. This is M1: the Market.

Secondly, for each market, craft a message. If there are different markets for a product, each market may require a different message. Of course the message must emphasise customer benefits. This Message is M2.

M3 is the Medium. This is the vehicle we will use to deliver each message to each market. The medium must be chosen because it is the best way to deliver a specific message to a particular market. Demo release. By focusing on the market's customers, we can choose a medium that is appropriate to them.

This all makes perfect sense, so how do people get it wrong?

The usual mistake is that people deal with the 3Ms in the wrong order. They choose a Medium first, before considering the message and the market. They are enchanted by a particular medium and decide to use it before considering to what extent it suits the message and the market. This can happen by using social media (because it's fashionable) or a website (because everyone else has one) or a printed leaflet (because we got a special offer).

Each of these Mediums (media) is not good or bad in its own right; only in relation to its effectiveness in delivering a particular message to a particular market.

So beware using the 3Ms in the wrong order. By using the 3Ms of marketing in the right order, our marketing communications become more targeted, more precise, and more successful.

Chapter 3ms. Ma's Website Login

Do you ever wonder how we are doing as a business? While I write monthly notes to let you know how we are doing sales wise and whether our bottom line is improving, I try to spend time at many employee meetings pointing out the '3 Ms'.


Multitasker. Material.


In my experience, those are the big three. Sure, we have a bunch of little things that can hurt us, but if you want to take a moment to analyze how we are doing, a survey of the 3Ms will give you an intelligent analysis.

Chapter 3ms. Ma's Website Book

Markets relate to sales. Are we busy serving customers? Is there plenty of business, not just for us, but for others with whom we compete? When there is plenty of business, we run our plants better. When there is plenty of business, we achieve better margins. When there is plenty of business, we are doing something right to receive the orders.

You can get a pulse of your plant by paying attention to our activity. Are we stretched? How many trucks are being shipped each day? Are there new customers? Are some former customers missing?

Chapter 3ms. Ma's Website Store

Nothing happens in a business until someone sells something. Good markets are a key ingredient to our success.

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